
Tasneem Institute’s publications aim to make Islamic knowledge accessible and engaging for a modern audience. From scholarly commentaries to practical guides, our books cover a diverse range of topics, rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt.

The Prophet’s Proclamation: An Exegetical Study of Ayah Al-Tabligh

One of the most historically contested verses of the Qurān among Muslims is the Verse of Tablīgh (Conveyance) – which is in Sūrah al-Māʾidah (5), verse 67 – a verse which commanded Prophet Muḥammad to deliver a very crucial Message to his nation. Historically, this verse is said to be one of the last verses revealed to the final Messenger. This verse explicitly signifies the importance of this said Message such that if the Prophet does not proclaim it, it is as if he has not fulfilled his mission of Prophethood. Due to divergent views stemming from the narrations (riwāyāt), Muslims have disagreed on the circumstances surrounding its revelation (sabab al-nuzūl), its place of revelation, its meaning, and its interpretation. The book before you explores the spectrum of interpretations put forward by scholars of the Sunni and Shia tradition in an attempt to provide readers with the necessary facts to draw the most plausible conclusion.

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Revisiting Ashura: Philosophical Underpinnings and Legal Implications

Engaging the Qur’an: A Compendium of Reliable Shia Hadith

The Prophet’s Proclamation: An Exegetical Study of Ayah Al-Tabligh

The Adornment of the Righteous: A Commentary on Dua Makarim Al-Akhlaq

The Family of the Prophet: An Exegetical Study of the Verse of Purification

Musnad al-Imam Musa ibn Ja’far

The Grand Tour: Quranic Descriptions of Paradise

Spiritual Prescriptions