
Tasneem Institute’s publications aim to make Islamic knowledge accessible and engaging for a modern audience. From scholarly commentaries to practical guides, our books cover a diverse range of topics, rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt.

The Family of the Prophet: An Exegetical Study of the Verse of Purification

The Verse of Purification, Sūrah Aḥzāb verse 33, is likely one of the most controversial theological verses in the history of Islam. Namely, the dispute has centered around this key question: who are the “People of the House” (Ahl al-Bayt) mentioned in this verse and what is God specifically saying about them? In this research, we have sought to present the various views espoused by commentators regarding this question while weighing thelexical, semantic, contextual, and traditionist (ḥadīth) corroborators. We demonstrate that all the evidence points towards these individuals being none other than the Holy Imams of the Prophetic lineage; in turn, this verse serves to substantiate their infallibility. After presenting this answer to this question, we endeavor to present and refute the myriad contentions often raised by critics against thisthesis. This book is the first of its kind in the English language, extensively citing dozens of Arabic, Persian, and Urdu resources. We pray it may be beneficial to those who seek a deeper Qurānic-based understanding about the identity of the Ahl al-Bayt and their status in Islam.

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Revisiting Ashura: Philosophical Underpinnings and Legal Implications

Engaging the Qur’an: A Compendium of Reliable Shia Hadith

The Prophet’s Proclamation: An Exegetical Study of Ayah Al-Tabligh

The Adornment of the Righteous: A Commentary on Dua Makarim Al-Akhlaq

The Family of the Prophet: An Exegetical Study of the Verse of Purification

Musnad al-Imam Musa ibn Ja’far

The Grand Tour: Quranic Descriptions of Paradise

Spiritual Prescriptions