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Tasneem Institute is committed to elevating the Islamic literacy of our communities through rich educational content in the form of Islamic online crash courses, infographic videos and publications.

Shaykh Mohammed Al-Hiili

Shaykh Mohammed Al-Hilli holds a Masters degree in Pharmacy from the University of London and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University in the UK. He has and continues to study Hawza (Islamic Seminary education) in both London and Najaf. He also teaches Hawza studies at the Islamic College in London.

He is the author of 4 books: ‘Arbaeen The Walk’, ‘Muharram Sermons’, ‘Baqi: Past, Present & Future.’ and ‘Secrets to Happiness’.

Heading the Noor Islamic Education organisation in London, UK, he regularly conducts sought-after Quranic commentary programmes as well as practical courses on social, historic, moral and jurisprudential areas of relevance to Muslims in the West. He organises workshops and courses on marriage and parenting, participates in interfaith events globally and takes groups for Ziyarah and Hajj annually.

Shaykh Al-Hilli is an instructor at Tasneem Institute.