Q & A

Tasneem Institute’s Question and Answer page is your go-to resource for clear, concise, thoughtful answers to pressing questions about Islam. Whether you’re exploring complex theological concepts or seeking practical guidance on everyday matters, our team of scholars provides insights rooted in the Quran, the teachings of Ahlul Bayt, and Shia jurisprudence. Submit your questions and get the clarity you need to navigate your faith journey with confidence.


Is there any evidence to support the Shia belief that Imam al-Mahdi is alive?

Premise 1: All Muslims agree that the Holy Quran is very explicit and clear that the time will come when a universal and just Islamic state will be established, in which those who have been oppressed will lead the world. (Surah al-Anbi’a, Ayah 105)

Premise 2: It is narrated by Shi’a and Sunni narrators that:

a. The day of judgment will not come until a man from the offspring of the Prophet rises to spread peace and justice in the world. (Mosnad Ahmad 3:36 , H. 10920)

b. Whoever dies not knowing the Imam of his time has died the death of Ignorance (Kofr). (Muslim 3:239, H 1851)

c. Hadith al-Thaqalayn in which the Prophet (P) says: the Book of Allah and his Ahlul-Bayt (P) will never be separated until they join him at the Pool of Kouthar. (Mostadrak al-Hakim 3:10)

d. 12 Imams: The Prophet foretold that the Kholafa (successors after him) shall be 12 Imams, and that are all from Qoraysh. (Muslim 3:220, H. 1821). This hadith can only apply to the 12 Imams of Ahlul-Bayt (a.s). Also, there is no doubt that Imam Askari (a.s) was martyred and died. (More info. about the narrations regarding 12 Imams after the Holy Prophet)

Conclusion: if Imam Mahdi is not born yet, then: there will be a separation between the Quran and Ahlul-bayt (a.s) (violating premise 2/c), the Imams won’t be 12 (violation of premise 2/d.) and all contemporary Muslims die the death of Jahiliyah because there is no Imam of their time for them to know him (violation of premise 2/b).

Answered by: Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

Originally posted by www.askthesheikh.com