What is the purpose of supplication if God is All-Wise and knows what is in our interests?

Supplication or dua is not merely a means for the human being to gain material blessings from God. Supplication has a much more broad connotation in the Islamic tradition and is not restricted to a request-based dua. In fact, traditions indicate that dua is the “essence of worship”. Indeed, what a person gains from the very act of speaking to God outweighs any material blessing that can be acquired through dua. Put simply, being in communication with the Creator is an integral part of our spiritual growth in the same way that plants need sunlight to grow and flourish.

Furthermore, God, in His infinite mercy, distributes countless blessings to His servants without them having to ask. This is one of the implications of the divine name “Al-Rahman.” He gives to those who believe in Him as well as to those who deny Him. However, there are certain blessings that are contingent upon dua. Meaning, there are particular favours God will grant only if His servant asks Him and beseeches Him. This is usually the case with spiritual gifts as indicated by the following tradition from Imam al-Baqir (a):

أن عند الله عزوجل ، منزلة لا تنال إلا بمسألة

“Indeed with God there is a degree [of faith] that cannot be attained except by asking…” (al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 466)


Answered by Shaykh Azhar Nasser